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Do you know the difference between DAOfood and Migrasin? –

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The blog that deals with health and wellness tips, innovative and natural beauty treatments has published an informative story about two products of the DR Healthcare company for the treatment and prevention of DAO deficiency and its gastrointestinal, skin, neurological and muscular diseases. The pharmacist Juan Desmont, head of a Community Pharmacy and specialized…

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Los seis signos del Déficit de DAO, una de las causas más importantes de migraña

Los seis signos del Déficit de DAO, una de las causas más importantes de migraña

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24-04-2019 – Publicada en Gacetas Locales El déficit de la enzima digestiva Diamino Oxidasa (DAO) afecta a un 20% de la población. Se trata de una proteína que degrada la histamina, una molécula que está presente en gran parte de los alimentos de nuestra dieta cotidiana, por lo que es fundamental detectar a tiempo un…

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histaminosis no alérgica causada por déficit de DAO al consumir alcohol, alérgia al alcohol

Can you be allergic to alcohol? –

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Published on 28-3-2019 – – Language: Spanish. From the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), Dr. Pedro Ojeda in an interview to the Media Infosalus indicates that there is a clinical non allergic picture, hereinafter referred to as ” non-allergic histaminosis” or “DAO deficiency”, in which alcohol inhibits the function of the intestinal enzyme diamine…

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Talk INFARMA: dietary approach of the DAO Deficiency (Dr. Ismael San Mauro and Gda. Adriana Duelo)

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Published  30 mar. 2018 – INFARMA 2018 – Adriana Duelo – Language: Spanish. Here we share the talk that Adriana Duelo, nutritionist and dietician, and the Dr. Ismael San Mauro gave on 14 March in the International Pharma Congress INFARMA 2018 (Madrid), in which addressed the dietary treatment of the histaminosis caused by DAO deficiency. They talked about the importance…

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Histaminosis: the “new” unknown allergy – Redacción Médica

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Published the 21 mar. 2016 – Redacción Médica – Language: Spanish. Ismael San Mauro, an expert in human nutrition and dietetics and specialized in personalized nutrition talks about the  Histaminosis. Histaminosis is a new medicine syndrome which consists in poor metabolic activiy of the enzyme that degrades histamine: the diamine oxidase (DAO), directly related with the metabolic alteration…

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